
This page gives you links to pages where you can find useful statistics about trends and data that you might need to support your case for change.

Population Growth and other stats

The website “Our Word in Data” is very useful in giving you statistics about all sorts of facts, and you can find here data on population growth, by country, by sex, and you can get charts, maps and tables.

Population statistics graph

Carbon Footprint of Food

This page gives you information about the carbon footprint of food by different types and analyses it by the elements of the type of food, method of farming and transportation.

Our World in data about the information on Carbon footprint analysed by Type of food and make up of CO2 emissions.

CO2 Emissions per person

This page gives you the data you may need to find out the emissions per head by country over time. It provides emissions produced and ignores emissions that are caused through the consumption of products sourced from other countries – which is significant in the UK at around 45 %

CO2 emissions per head by country grapgh