We have added a few quizzes to our website to add a bit of fun and learning; have a go!
Climate Quiz
Here are ten questions to test your knowledge of the basics of Climate Science, like what is the Greenhouse effect. You have got multiple choice answers.
Living Quiz
Here are ten questions about the details relating to a green planet, like what is hydropower. Again you have got simple multiply choice options.
How green is our area?
Who remembers the book “How green is my valley” by Richard Llewellyn, written in 1939 about a Welsh family living in a mining area, and the dangers of living with coal. It seemed a good title for a quiz! This is designed for those living in a community who want to test how well their local parish or town council have addressed the needs of their area, with respect to tackling climate change. There are ten sets of questions, and you get a grade at the end for fun!