We research ideas and create and support projects that will contribute to our objectives of reducing carbon emissions across Shropshire to a position of net zero by 2030.
We collaborate with key agencies and organisations across Shropshire in a common endeavour to bring about Net-Zero by 2030 and beyond. We will seek to get funds to support projects, which will benefit the people of Shropshire, to live in homes, travel and work in businesses in ways that will lead to net-zero emissions.
We will provide unbiased scientific advice to the people of Shropshire on the science of climate change and carbon emissions so they can make up their minds on the right actions to take. We engage with local and national politicians to help the people of Shropshire pursue their aims of carbon reduction and greenhouse gas emissions.
We will ensure that our efforts do not stop in 2030 or 2050. Carbon Net-Zero is a step on the way to further reductions. We will make Shropshire a county in which people will be delighted to be because it has a brilliant environment to work, live and stay.
We want to help you help save our Shropshire. See the video!