Projects for you to develop
This page provides links to websites where you can find out projects that have been developed by other councils and will give you details of how you might implement them.
Repair Cafe
Ludlow cafe has written an easy-to-read document which gives great guidance on how to set up a repair cafe. Click on the button below to download a pdf copy of the file
Great Collaboration
The Herefordshire Green Network has created a fantastic website where you can find suggestions on projects (which are grouped by Energy etc. if you just want to focus on one area).

Co-operatives UK
The modern-day co-op movement was founded in Rochdale, Lancashire in 1844. Since then, the Cooperative model has spread across the world, impacting the lives of over a billion people.
From the outside a co-op may look like any other business – it’s what happens inside that makes them different. All co-ops are based on the same principles and they share a set of values.
Co-ops are found everywhere and together they contribute over £38 billion to the UK economy.
As the voice of the UK’s co-operative movement, we empower and support co-operative enterprises with specialised knowledge and expertise, to grow the co-operative economy and create a fairer society.
Did you know there are 14 million co-op members in the UK? That’s equivalent to a fifth of the population. There’s a global movement that all co-operatives across the world are part of.
They have a list of case studies which show a number of brilliant initiatives to set up community activities.

Carbon Copy
Carbon Copy has collected together projects (over 1,000) that other councils have set up and gives you details of what they have done in their project. They are also usefully grouped by area – like Energy.

Stay Green
Stay Green has set up a fantastic website, specifically for Parish and Town councils, where you can look up a range of projects which you might want to tackle, and then provides you with a link to further information that will help you with that project, case studies and potential funding.
Thus you can look up a project to “Install well-designed and installed LED lights”. Click on that panel, and it will take you to a page with links to helpful information from the Energy Savings Trust etc. It also provides an idea of the broad timescales and cost of the project.
Carbon Literacy Project
The Carbon Literacy Project has prepared the materials used in their licensed courses and is also a valuable source of information and networking. They provide a useful manual to help you source ideas for actions.