Items to support your planning process
This page will provide ideas on how you might frame a plan to tackle climate change, from starting out be declaring a commitment to do something, to setting up the activities which you want to tackle within your area.
Town/Parish Council Action Plan
Many parish and town councils have not started formulating a plan to tackle the climate emergency. There are some plans available on the internet, but those – in the main – concentrate on what councils can do for themselves – like put in LED lights in the hall. However, if we are to make a real difference in the community, it is vital to build on the theme of using education to help engage the community in why, what and how to do what we should do.
So we have put together a draft plan to act as a starter for those who want to establish a plan for their community, based on our research into the area. This is shown as a PowerPoint presentation so that you can use it in any local meeting.
We are happy to come to any local meeting to present this and associated material.
Click on the following Download button to get the plan:
Thame Green Living Plan
Thame Town Council created a comprehensive plan with the help of some consultants and supported by many other individuals and community groups listed in the Acknowledgements of this document. This plan was formally approved by Thame Town Council on 14th July 2020 and was taken forward with the support of a new community organisation, called Thame Green Living (TGL).
The document states that :
The Green Living Plan (GLP) fills gaps that Neighbourhood Plans can’t fully cover. It does this by concentrating on our broader environment and by making connections. These include:
• Connections between short-term and longer-term effects
• Linkages between paths, routes and spaces
• Wildlife corridors that our natural world needs to survive and prosper
• Using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels for heating and transport
• Improving the quality of our air and helping reduce global warming
Centre for Sustainable Energy
The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) offers free, tailored support and guidance for neighbourhood planning groups.
Neighbourhood planning allows communities to develop a positive vision of their future. Pioneering towns, villages and neighbourhoods are already mapping out ambitious plans that will improve quality of life and at the same time make the transition to a low-carbon energy and transport system.
CSE has received funding from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation for a three-year support programme to encourage neighbourhood planning groups to ensure their area contributes to a sustainable future.