Save our Shropshire CIO has developed a new course to help householders in Shropshire (and beyond) understand what they can do to combat the Climate Emergency. It simply describes why there is an emergency. It makes clear what the world is doing about it, and how you can take significant practical action to combat its effects. It focuses on the need for behaviour change. It is like losing weight. We all know we should do it, but we actually have to eat less and exercise more. 

Humans have made a mess of the planet. We must now all play our part in making the planet safe as a place for future generations to live. There is no Planet B. 

The course has been developed with the incredible help provided by the Carbon Literacy Project. The Carbon Literacy Project helps to provide relevant climate change learning that catalyses action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Carbon Literacy Project works to provide access to this learning to everyone who lives, works and studies and is expanding rapidly across the UK and beyond. When they reviewed the course, and approved it so that successful participants can become accredited as Carbon Literate they said The course is very impressive. The course structure and content has been very carefully thought about and is very engaging.” The course is running September 7th, 9th and 14th from 6.30 pm to 9 pm. Get Carbon Literate by booking. You can get details at and join our movement at

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