BBC TV produced a brilliant documentary in May 2021 on a Citizens assembly that took place in Birmingham in 2021. Meet the 108 ordinary Brits who Sir David Attenborough says we should listen to. This warm and honest documentary reveals how everyday people feel about the climate crisis. It shows how people argue about the actions we should take on combatting Climate Change, in an open and honest way, and how people changed their views in the course of the “assembly”.
The film follows seven assembly members from all over the UK, who each bring their own perspective to the climate change debate. Sue, an ex-fishmonger from Bath, is shocked to learn the science of climate change, and when floods hit the UK – and the south west in particular – she begins to understand how close to home these issues can be and resolves to make personal changes.
If you have not got an hour to watch the whole thing, then at least watch the trailer. It is lovely to see Barry Gardiner MP say “The Climate Assembly is about the people telling the politicians what needs to be done!”